Etusivu - MTK-Honkilahti
Vuoden 2024 alusta Euran alueen yhdistykset yhdistyivät. MTK-Honkilahti, MTK-Hinnerjoki ja MTK-Kiukainen yhdistyivät MTK-Euran yhdistykseen.
MTK-Euran sivuille pääset painamalla tästä
Virhe tapahtui prosessoidessa esitysmallia.
Failed to "?eval" string with this error: ---begin-message--- Syntax error in ?eval-ed string in line 1, column 129: Lexical error: encountered "u" (117), after "\"Hankety\u00f6ntekij\u00e4 Tiina Koivisto (vasemmalla) ja hankep\u00e4\u00e4llikk\u00f6 Laura Gehlen aloittivat \\". ---end-message--- The failing expression: ==> entryImage?eval [in template "20116#20152#331163" at line 34, column 51] ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: #assign entryImageJSON = entryImage?eval [in template "20116#20152#331163" at line 34, column 25] ----
1<#-- Liiton ajankohtaista -->
2<#-- 15/03/2019 -->
3<#--- INIT --->
4<#-- Import common variables, functions & macros -->
5<#import "${templatesPath}/46467" as ch5>
6<#assign dlAppServiceUtil = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.service.DLAppService") />
8 <#--- OUTPUT --->
9 <@ch5.emptyListMessage />
10 <#if entries?has_content>
11 <h3>Ajankohtaista liitossa</h3>
12 <div class="row flex-container container-fluid FiMtkFrontTopicListkaikki">
13 <#assign fistcontent = "" />
14 <#--FiMtkFrontTopicListhyperlinkfirst-->
15 <#list entries as entry>
16 <#-- INIT ENTRY -->
17 <#assign contentType = "Ajankohtaista" >
18 <#assign entryImage = ch5.getContentField(entry, "image")?first!"">
19 <#assign entrySummary = ch5.getSummary(entry, ch5.summaryMaxLength)>
20 <#assign articleType = ch5.getCategoryNames(entry, ch5.articleTypeVocabularyId)?first!"" />
21 <#assign assetRenderer = entry.getAssetRenderer() />
22 <#assign viewURL = assetPublisherHelper.getAssetViewURL(renderRequest, renderResponse, assetRenderer, entry, !stringUtil.equals(assetLinkBehavior, "showFullContent")) />
23 <#assign viewURLarray = viewURL?split("?") />
24 <#assign GroupLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService")>
25 <#assign mtkpaagroup = GroupLocalService.fetchGroup(entry.groupId) >
26 <a href="https://${ch5.getVirtualHostForGroup(mtkpaagroup)}/-/${assetRenderer.getUrlTitle()}" class="FiMtkFrontTopicListhyperlink ${fistcontent}">
27 <div class="card card-inverse text-left FiMtkFrontTopicListjulkaisu ">
28 <#assign fistcontent = "" />
29 <#assign imageurl = "">
30 <#assign imagefileEntryId = "">
31 <#assign entryImageJSON = "">
33 <#if entryImage?has_content>
34 <#assign entryImageJSON = entryImage?eval>
35 </#if>
37 <#if entryImageJSON?? && entryImageJSON?has_content && entryImageJSON.groupId??>
38 <#assign imageurl = "/documents/${entryImageJSON.groupId}/${entryImageJSON.uuid}">
39 <#assign imagefileEntryId = "${entryImageJSON.fileEntryId}">
40 <#else>
41 <#assign imageurl = "/o/mtk-site-theme/css/placeholder-kuvat/Uutinen.png">
42 </#if>
43 <#--<#if imagefileEntryId?has_content && imagefileEntryId != "">
44 <@adaptive_media_image["img"] fileVersion=dlAppServiceUtil.getFileEntry(imagefileEntryId?number).getFileVersion() class="card-img FiMtkFrontTopicListimage"/>
45 <#else>
46 <img class="card-img FiMtkFrontTopicListimage" src="${imageurl}?&imageThumbnail=3" alt="Card image">
47 </#if>-->
48 <div class="FiMtkFrontTopicListimageoverflow">
49 <img class="card-img FiMtkFrontTopicListimage" src="${imageurl}" alt="Card image">
50 </div>
51 <div class="card-img-overlay FiMtkFrontTopicListimageheadcategoria">
52 <h5 class="card-title FiMtkFrontTopicListimageheadcategoriatext">${contentType} </h5>
53 </div>
54 <div class="card-body FiMtkFrontTopicList">
55 <div class="FiMtkFrontTopicListdate">${ch5.getPublishDate(entry)}</div>
56 <div class="FiMtkFrontTopicListtitle">
57 <#assign title = ch5.getTitle(entry)>
58 <#if title?length < 75>
59 ${title}
60 <#else>
61 ${title?substring(0, 74)} ...
62 </#if>
63 </div>
64 </div>
65 </div>
67 </a>
68 <@ch5.articleeditlink entry "height: 0px; width: 0px; transform: translate(-30px, 7px);"/>
69 </#list>
70 </div>
71 </#if>